Aloe for acne clearing – what you should know

aloe for acneHave you ever tried using aloe for acne clearing?

Aloe vera is a pretty amazing plant.

If you’re new to aloe in general, quick overview; it’s basically is a short succulent plant with thick green leaves, kinda like a cactus.

The healing abilities of aloe vera have been recognized for over 2000 years now.

So, what’s the science behind this miracle plant, and aloe and acne in general?

Here are a few reasons using aloe vera might help your breakouts:

Aloe vera is highly antibacterial because it contains a ton of phytochemicals, like polysaccharides and gibberellins, these help to fight bacteria on your skin.

Glucomannan, one of the most significant polysaccharides in aloe vera, has also been known to kill the bacteria in acne and reduce redness caused by inflammation.

It functions as a natural astringent as it helps to cleanse the skin, encourage cell turnover, remove deposited sebum, and tighten pores.

Aloe Vera also has excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Fatty acids like campesterol and enzymes like bradykinase help to reduce redness caused by acne, while the antimicrobial properties, saponin and barbaloin, help by fighting against the mycobacterium (bacteria that causes the pimples to swell up).

Aloe vera is also full of glycoproteins, which not only curtail inflammation and soreness but also speed up the overall healing process.

It also works as an antioxidant and contains abundant quantities of minerals and vitamins such as zinc, and vitamin C, E, etc.

It can also help reduce soreness from acne, due to its high magnesium and fatty acid content because lupeol, a fatty acid present in aloe, functions as an analgesic painkiller.

Freaking wonder plant I tell you!

Now that you have thoroughly acquainted yourself with the plethora of benefits that ‘the lily of the desert’ provides, let’s have a look at some tips on effectively using aloe vera for acne breakouts with these 4 aloe recipes:

Aloe vera “gel”:

  • Cut off a leaf of the plant and split it open along the length to expose the gel.
  • Wash your face gently and rub the leaf on the affected areas.
  • Keep it on for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off using cold water and gently pat dry.
  • If you’re dealing with really bad breakouts, the gel can be left on overnight.
  • Moisturize with your favorite oil.
  • Repeat at least twice a day for best results.

Aloe vera and lemon cleansing solution:

  • Make a fine paste by adding a few drops of honey and rose water to Aloe Vera gel.
  • (For a brighter complexion, turmeric can also be added to this paste.)
  • Apply thoroughly all over.
  • Keep it on for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off using cold water and gently pat dry.
  • Repeat at least once a day for best results.

Aloe vera mask with sugar and milk:

  • Take 1/2 tbsp. of milk (make sure it is all organic and all natural milk!) and keep mixing 1 tbsp. of sugar in it until it completely dissolves.
  • Add 2 tbsp. of fresh Aloe Vera gel to this mixture.
  • Stir the ingredients and apply properly on the affected area.
  • Keep it on for about 25-30 minutes, till it dries.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and gently pat dry.
  • Moisturize with your favorite oil.

Aloe vera with walnut:

  • Take 5 walnuts and blend them to obtain a fine powder.
  • Add 2 tbsp. of Aloe Vera gel to this powder and blend again.
  • In a bowl, add 1/2 tbsp. of honey to the above mixture.
  • Apply the paste thoroughly on the affected area.
  • Keep it on for about 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.

If you’re feeling frisky, AKA adventures, you can add aloe to any of the following ingredients for a nice mask: honey, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, garlic or turmeric. (More turmeric love here🙂

Some precautions to take care of while using aloe vera for skin:

  • Wash the leaves carefully before you use it.
  • While the use of aloe vera soap daily helps to reduces acne and pimples, make sure it has glycerine as an ingredient too, that’ll help you avoid flaky and dry skin.
  • Before actually using it, always chat with your dermatologist. ( I am NOT a dermatologist, please read my disclaimer here.)
  • If you are allergic to latex, aloe vera may cause you some irritation. So, always be sure to do a “patch test” first, for allergies.
  • Freshly extracted aloe vera gel (from the plant itself) is much more effective than the one purchased from stores.

So what do you think? Will you try some aloe topically for some natural skin clearing? Let me know in the comments below!



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3 responses to “Aloe for acne clearing – what you should know”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Just tried it this morning. I have a aloe vera plant that has gotten out of control and overflowing out of the pot. Now I know what to do with the extra leaves. 🙂